Victoria Beach - Windsurfyourgoddamnfaceoff has acquired the raw transcript of an interview that CJOB 680 conducted with Ben Peterson in the wake of Mr. Peterson's rescue of two skiiers who were swept into an avalanche at Sunshine Village. The lively conversation ranged from Mr. Peterson's rescue of the men, to Canmore real estate, and even the long-abandoned plan to build a mountain at Victoria Beach.
CJOB: Ben, thank you very much for joining us.
Ben Peterson: Hey, how's it goin'?
CJOB: So, what happened?
BP: Well, my friend Beau and I were just up doing laps through the Dive, like we do all the time and went down this one spot, and stopped at this spot and then just looked over and there's just this massive avalanche coming down right in front of us. It was incredible.
CJOB: So what are you thinking when this is happening?
BP: Well I was thinking 'Wow, this is amazing that we're this close to an avalanche while it's happening' - I mean, it was being deposited about 60 feet down from us.
CJOB: Now, is it close enough to the actual spot that you're actually gettin' the spray from the avalanche?
BP: Pretty much I...
CJOB: I mean is this thing rinsing you down as it's going by?
BP: Ya I mean it...
CJOB: It's a yes or no question Mr. Peterson. Were you close enough that this thing was giving you a shave? Yes or no.
BP: [Laughing] Yes.
CJOB: So walk me through what happens next.
BP: Well the avalanche passed and as we were still standing there a guy came down and said there were two skiiers in there so we headed down there and started searching. We found the first guy - he was partially buried. Then we did a group search for the other male victim. We uncovered the second man about 80 feet down the hill. There was no way you could tell there was anyone underneath the snow pack.
CJOB: So when something like this happens there's not a doubt in your mind that it could have been you?
BP: Yeah, I mean we had been on that run an hour before and...
CJOB: Kind of one of those 'There but for the grace of God go I' kind of things.
BP: [Silence] ... Sure.
CJOB: By the way - and I know this is totally off topic - but I've done many tours of duty in Alberta and been based out of Calgary - and again, this has nothing to do with those seriously injured skiiers or your truly incredible rescue of them - but I once had the chance to buy a parcel of land in Canmore and man alive do I regret not taking that opportunity.
BP: Um, yeah, its incredible how much you have to spend to buy land, never mind a house.
CJOB: I mean, I'm tellin' ya - it was my chance for a sweet lick of the shiny brass ring. It was the horse that got away!
BP: [Laughing] I mean you would've been a millionaire right now...
CJOB: [Laughter]
BP: [Laughing] .. Instead of hosting day time talk radio on CJOB 680.
CJOB: Ok, ok, let's get back on track here. Now, how old are you Ben?
BP: 28.
CJOB: I'll ask you the question - we had a little 'Millenial' round table here and a couple of our friends at the University of Manitoba Students Union were here and we discussed why people choose to leave or to stay in Manitoba. Why did you choose to leave? Was it for the adventure?
BP: I left because I always had a love for the mountains. My thing has always been to find the limits and start from there but its tough you know, I miss the summers at Victoria Beach and stuff but again I feel at home out here in the mountains.
CJOB: You don't think the (Communist) Selinger government will put together a little project to build a mountain at Victoria Beach?
BP: You know that's an idea that's been kicked around a lot. I know a couple years back the Council commissioned some plans and looked at those pretty carefully but what with the shoreline quickly eroding into a green toxic sludge, I'm not sure there's the appetite to build a mountain right now.
CJOB: Grim stuff. Well thanks for speaking with us today, Ben - I know we had you waiting on the line there for a bit but we appreciate it.
BP: Well you know what they say, 'Waiting for radio waves is OK, most people spend their lives waiting for nothing.'